valores familiares

All posts tagged valores familiares

«Love and Death in Early Modern Marriage:
The Winter’s Tale and Monumental Sculpture»

 Catherine Belsey

RESUMEN: «This article attributes early modern emotional relationships between parents and children, as well as between marital partners, to the emergence in the period of family values. While the stability of the ideal family is defined in tomb sculpture, one of the period’s most widespread art forms, plays tell a story and therefore depend on impediments to stability. These are dramatised in the marital jealousy and parental cruelty of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. As tomb sculpture became more lifelike, however, it began to put on display the emotional intensity of family values, and in the process came to emphasise in another way a corresponding vulnerability in the new ideal.»

Este texto ha sido publicado en la página del Die Zentraleinrichtung zur Förderung von Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung wird zum Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum (Centro para la promoción de la mujer y estudios de género – Centro Margherita von Brentano) de Berlín, Alemania.

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