Dear Colleagues,
The new TG08 – Society & Emotions Newsletter includes some very useful information about the latest
research activities of our members.
This is the first Newsletter after the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology held from 15-21 July 2018 in Toronto, Canada. Those who attended the conference had the opportunity to meet each other during the TG08 sessions and, specially, during the first business meeting of our thematic group. There, we could define the statutes (they are published here) and share enriching ideas about the future activities we could organize within the framework of the thematic group.

During that meeting, members provided some ideas on how to improve this Newsletter. This issue incorporates some of the suggestions received and we are thrilled to launch a new section tentatively called «Open Dialogue». For future issues, our vision is to include a brief questionnaire about a specific topic related to the way we do empirical research about emotions, featuring responses by different members of the TG and also by guest contributors.
We welcome proposals for new topics for this section and are open to the possibility of guest editor(s) coordinating this section within a single issue. We really hope to hear your proposals and welcome suggestions on what this
new section could be called!
In this issue, in the special methods section, we take up the methodological challenges that the sociology of emotions as a field of study implies. We share with you the stimulating contributions sent by TG08 members Olga Sabido Ramos, Liuba Kogan, and Haruo Sakiyama. Enriching guest contributions come from Eduardo Bericat, Martha Radice, Roger Patulny and Eva Sänger.
We sincerely hope that you will find them interesting and inspire your research projects. As you know, the Newsletter is to promote not only information exchanges, but also to foster collaboration among colleagues, especially
collaboration that crosses national boundaries. That is why we encourage you to submit relevant information about the projects you are developing and the recent publications you have authored.
The spirit of collaboration has made this Newsletter a wonderfully collective and rewarding experience. For the great care and consideration they put into making this an enriching and interesting issue, we extend our sincerest thanks to those who contributed and made this Newsletter possible.
All the best,
Mariana Nobile & Yvonne Daoleuxay