Compartimos con todas y todos ustedes el presente artículo de la Dra. Adriana Leona Rosales Mendoza, miembro de la RENISCE, y Linamar Campos Flores, titulo es «Family separation and emotional bonds: women of Chiapas and Yucatan, Mexico, facing male migration to Quebec, Canada». Enfatizamos que podrán descargar de manera gratuita el presente artículo hasta antes del 20 de enero de 2020.
Scarce attention has been given to the social-emotional problem that men in the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program undergo during the migratory process. Even less attention has been placed on their romantic partners. In this article, we inquire into the emotions felt among women from Yucatan and Chiapas, Mexico, while their partners are working in Canada. Our analysis is based on a postcolonial and intersectional perspective, as well as on a socio-anthropological and geographical approach to emotions. The strategy of inquiry is based on the qualitative approach, using a novel method of the evocation of emotion through images (photo-evoking), proposed by the authors.